Hopefully soon to come the simplest guide on how to put together your own arduino.
One can basically follow this fantastic guide till I can figure out how to simplify the hell out of it. oomlout's guide
It's good to first try it out on the breadboard before soldering down all the components then realizing there was something in the wrong place.
I tried to follow the following guides but there was something missing (again good thing I tried on a breadboard first because some of these were to just soldering them in place...):
* I'm on the fence as to whether or not this led me to oomlout's guide. I thought it was but when I try to get to oomlout I find this directory which whilst useful doesn't look familiar at all.
Need to remember to put up my 'how-to' build an arduino.
Please try to remember to always dispose of your electronics properly. It doesn't belong in a landfill!